Virtual Continuing Medical Education Course

Functional Neurological Disorder: Putting Principles into Practice

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Course Description

This educational, "on-demand" virtual course provides an overview of up-to-date principles in the assessment and management of functional neurological disorder (FND) across adults and children / adolescents. Here 9-precorded lectures will cover high yield topics in the field by established leaders. Emphasis will be given to a practical delivery of content, including clinical vignettes used to help illustrate good practices and potential pitfalls. Topics will include: 1) the general neurologist's approach to the assessment and management of FND; the approach to diagnosing 2) functional seizures and 3) functional motor disorders with a focus on "video" rounds; 4) how to effectively communicate the diagnosis of FND and develop an initial treatment plan; 5) the role of the psychiatrist in the assessment and management of this population; 6); the pediatric neurologist's perspective on diagnosis and management of children and adolescents; 7) a spotlight on the mind-body program as developed by Kozlowska and colleagues; 8) the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to care; and 9) the patient perspective - what clinicians need to know. Additionally, there will be a 90-minute live webinar and panel discussion (that will also be recorded and become part of the overall "on demand" viewing package) covering clinical challenges across outpatient, inpatient, emergency department and epilepsy monitoring unit settings.

Course Format

This virtual educational course will be offered using an "on demand" format. What this means is that those who register will have access to the 9 pre-recorded talks for a 60-day period. Additionally, the live 90-minute webinar held on Thursday June 15th, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Time will also be recorded. Afterwards, the recording of the webinar will become part of the overall "on demand" course content.



Join Functional Neurological Disorder Society (FNDS) Alan J. Carson, MD of the University of Edinburgh, FNDS President, and Dara Albert, DO, MEd of Nationwide Children's Hospital, FNDS Virtual Education Course Co-Chair, discuss the virtual education course "Functional Neurological Disorder: Putting Principles into Practice."

Functional Neurological Disorder Society · Functional Neurological Disorder: Putting Principles into Practice

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