FND International Networks


FND Australia

The Australian FND Network has been developed to connect health professionals in Australia who are involved in the care of patients suffering from Functional Neurological Disorders. It also has information about Functional Neurological Disorders for patients and their families.

Queensland Functional Neurological Disorder Special Interest Group

Contact the secretary of FND.SIG@health.qld.gov.au for more information.


Czech Republic

Movement Disorders Society, Functional Movement Disorders Work Group

Please contact Tereza Serranova, Prague.



TNF France/FND France

This group is for Health Professionals in French Speaking countries. Contact Guilhem Carle-Toulemonde via email Guilhem.carle@clinique-saint-exupery.com , via twitter account - @fndfrance or via the neuropsychiatry section of The French Association of Biological Psychiatry (AFPBN) https://www.afpbn.org/sections/neuropsychiatrie/



German FND Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Funktionelle Neurologische Störungen)




Italian Association of FND




Japanese Society for Neurology, Special Interest Group for FND

This special interest group for members of the Japanese Society of Neurology is chaired by Takayoshi Shimohata, Professor. Department of Neurology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine.



FNM (Za)Upanje Slovenija, Association for Functional Neurological Disorders

The website URL, now also available in English and Spanish, is: www.fnmzaupanjeslovenija.com


United Kingdom

UK FND Network

This UK multidisciplinary organisation aims to be a multidisciplinary hub for health professionals related to FND in the UK. https://ukfndnetwork.org/ - contact Nils Dietert, Consultant Neuropsychologist, Oxford UK

UK AHP FND Network

This network runs regular online meetings for UK AHPs on FND related topics. Contact Glenn Nielsen or Clare Nicholson at ahpfnd@gmail.com.

Association of British Neurologists, Special Interest Group for FND

This special interest group, for neurologists who are members of the ABN, has events at the annual meeting of the ABN for neurologists practicing in the UK. Contact Jon Stone.


United States

Pediatric FND Network

Contact Meagan Watson, meagan.watson@cuanschutz.edu, Department of Neurology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. 

International League against Epilepsy – Working Group on Functional Seizures

Contact Markus Reuber, m.reuber@sheffield.ac.uk

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